Ganon's Tower

From The Wind Waker Randomizer
Revision as of 23:21, 3 September 2021 by JarheadHME (talk | contribs) (Grapple Skip detailing)


Grapple Skip

This is a trick used to skip the first grappling hook post on the way to Ganondorf. It primarily comprises of getting onto the chain underneath the Ganondorf fight entryway after climbing the rope, and clipping up through the ceiling onto the floor at the top.

Backwards Crawling

Discovered by gymnast86[1], modified to randomizer by DeanMachine42, made more consistent by PK_Slam

This method involves clipping up when standing up after crawling backwards underneath the ceiling. First target against the chain to get an angle even with it, and jumpslash to get up. Once up, turn around completely. If you don't turn around perfectly, you most likely won't end up in the right spot after the next step. If you're having issues getting a perfect turn around, you can use the Wind Waker to turn yourself around.

Once you have turned around, do 3 backflips to get into position, then crawl backwards 4 times. During the fourth crawl, release R to stand up, and if done right, you will stand up on the floor above the chain. This is generally fairly inconsistent, but can be made more consistent with a slightly different set of crawling movements. First crawl backwards 3 times instead of 4, then crawl forwards and back again 3 times, then crawling backwards one last time and standing up after the crawl instead of during. Here's a summary of the full crawling movements for it: Back, Back, Back, Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Back, Stand.

Shield Backflip

Discovered by TrogWW, modified for hammer and weaponless by JarheadHME and Melonzy

This method utilizes a strange quirk in the game's behavior which prevents you from being crushed by a ceiling while backflipping as long as you are shielding. If you are within a small range of about 2 units near the top of the chain, you can backflip while holding shield and you will land pop up on the floor above.

When getting into position, you need to be very careful that you don't move too much, or at all between steps of the setups. Since the working range is very small, it is very easy to overstep very slightly and end up out of range. If you clip straight through without popping up top of voiding, then you were between 3 and 5 units too close to the ceiling. If you just void out, you were either more than 5 units too close, or too far away.

Below are the current best setups to get into position for the different sets of items you can find yourself, specifically for if you have a sword, no sword but a hammer, and neither.


This method is the most common, as you usually have a sword, which is always equipped. The setup goes as follows:

  1. Target the front of the chain
  2. Jumpslash onto it
  3. Turn around
  4. Backflip 3 times
  5. Slash your sword once.


This method is useful for if you're playing swordless mode, and have a hammer. The setup goes as follows:

  1. Target the front of the chain
  2. Jump attack onto it
  3. Roll forward
  4. Jump attack
  5. Roll forward
  6. Turn around

There are two important things to note about this setup. First is to make sure you don't do the jump attack too soon after the first roll. Second is the make sure that, if you are doing shield rolls to roll with the hammer in your hand, ensure you are not holding shield when the roll ends, else you won't move as far and thus won't be in the right spot at the end. However, if you hold R until the end of both rolls, you can instead put away the hammer, start a crawl, and stand back up without moving before turning around. This should leave you in the right position.


This method is a bit less likely to be relevant to any specific run, but still has its uses.

The start of the setup is a big more complicated since you can't just jumpslash up. You need to climb up onto it, but this isn't as straightforward as any other ledge. You can only climb up facing diagonally against the chain, which can be somewhat finicky. A way to do it consistently is to target against the chain, stand off to one side, then pause-buffer an up-diagonal analog stick input towards the other end of the chain. This should make you grab the ledge of the chain consistently.

The steps for getting into shield-backflip position are as follows:

  1. Roll forward
  2. Turn Around
  3. Backflip 1 time
  4. Roll forward
  5. Backflip 2 times

There's one extra thing to keep in mind with this setup, and that is just to not roll too soon after climbing up.

Once in position

Once you have done whichever of the above three setups to get into position, all you need to do is target, hold shield, and do a backflip. Do not release shield until after you have already landed. This should clip you through the ceiling onto the floor above.


Maze Chest

Defeat Ganondorf